Od niedawna zacząłem bawić się server packami i oto moje dzieło ;)
Pluginy : Kod:
; AMX Mod X plugins
; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related) ;admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)
; Basic admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management
; Menus menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings) plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.) ;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!) mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
; Chat / Messages adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message imessage.amxx ; displays information messages adminvote.amxx ; vote commands
; Map related nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map
; Configuration pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands
; Counter-Strike ;restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!) ;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike ;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)
; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here
dbmod.amxx ; silnik diablo moda gamenamechanger.amxx ; zmiana nazwy gry na diablo mod ad_manager.amxx ; reklamy
Silnik : Kod:
AmxModX 1.75a
Opis moda : Na początku gry wybierasz klasę... I poźniej to expisz ;) Bardzoooo wciągające ;] Polecam
Działa pod : Kod:
Pobierz : Z Rapidshare, z FileFront.
Do każdego mojego server packa dodaje szybkie pobieranie pliczków wymaganych do gry...
Aby to działało dopisz do server.cfg Kod:
sv_downloadurl "http://playkiller.boo.pl/cstrike"